It is easy to think the thoughts the world thinks, but it is a master who determines what thoughts he will think by his own choice. For this reason I have prepared A THOUGHT FOR TODAY as the foundation of a morning lecture on campus. I share these thoughts with students around the world.
If you would like to receive them daily send me your e-mail address and I will be happy to include you.
Here are some samples of the thoughts.
I Smile!
I set my energy loose in my world.
My energy is the only energy that is.
My world reflects back what I give out.
I Like Me!
I respect my mind.
I honor my body.
I love my spirit.
I am in for the long run. Life is an endless rollercoaster.
With every down there is a Super UP!
We are what we repeatedly do.
For this I must often
change the rules.
I create rules to
guide and expand my life,
not to limit it.
Others see my reputation.
My character is what I am.
Today I think one happy thought
I would enjoy expressing in my life. ONE!
I live in my ideal Spirit Mind Body!
Dr Herbert L Beierle
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