IN A WHIRLWIND adventure across the world Dr Ellen Jermini and I visited our students. We shared with them our love and the philosophy of the Church of God Unlimited and the University of Hea-ling. Dr Jermini and I shared the speaking platforms during every engagement.
We left campus in Campo California October 9 and returned home November 12. During 30 of these days we gave
60--three-hour-lectures, church services, baptisms, ordinations, a dozen three hour-one day-two day seminars, visiting thousands of children in schools, churches, universities plus time for counseling and practitioner work
--all in Nigeria and Ghana, Switzerland had another two weeks.
The entire series of lectures given will be presented in the best way possible to appear on the UNI Home Page in the Archives under: Euro-African Seminar 2002. Anyone may call them up and enjoy them at any time.
The Rev Dr Stefan Strässle brought one of his counselees to meet with me in Ebmatingen Switzerland upon our arrival at the home of our European UNI representative the Rev Ms Gertrud Suter. He told his counselee that the healing she wanted was in her mind. If she would say I am whole and perfect she would enjoy immediate wholeness. When she returned the next day she reported wholeness from a long standing hip ailment. In the subsequent meeting she presented me with a card classically encultured with Adel wise and thanking me for being the teacher of Dr Strässle whom she found such a competent capable practitioner. In keeping with being a professional practitioner as all of our UNI Church ministers are, she paid the normal hourly rate for
his--and my--services. Wise woman!
Dr Strässle translated my lecture an Introduction To the Metaphysical Teachings of the University of Healing. The crowd in the Vortragsabend Hotel in Bern listened attentively and asked aware questions. Our hostess, outstanding seminar coordinator and UNI student Rosli In-Albon, attracted inspired people, many who attended the forthcoming Sunday day-long Bern seminar speaking to topics of:
Who am I? Why am I on Earth? How am I a good student, a good teacher in life? Am I really incurably ill? Can I achieve spiritual illumination, what does it bring me? How can I handle guilt feelings? When I am a master of my life, how do I live? What is God? Am I an atheist? What is a sin? What does forgivingness accomplish?
Needless to say it was a stunning seminar and though the participants sat in student chairs on the floor, they were reluctant to get up to go to lunch or for a pause. The participants heard in answer to their questions that they are God. They are on Earth to be themselves and have fun. They are a good student and a good teacher in life when they remember who they are, that they are God. Illness ends when we return in awareness to our original purity and integrity. Achieving spiritual illumination means we are no longer living a limited human existence but living our divine reality as a fulfilled being. Guilt is the punishment of ourselves for unfulfilled promises. As a master we live fulfilled for we desire nothing and have everything. God is ABSOLUTE and all is
God--man lives as God when man recognizes that he is God, an atheist does not believe in the God taught by others but does believe in the power within himself. Sin is violating what we know to be true about ourselves. Forgive- ness is an impossible condition, for we meant to do what we did.
Attending the Bern seminar were: Cornelia Stana Kuburovic, Irene Rosch, Christine V Knittel, Lydia Hunziker, Elisabeth Chris- ten, Hermann Fehlmann, Anna Luthi, Erika Forrer, Silvana Salvati, Angela Rath, Ruth Mader, Ivan Luthi, Linda Cordey, Irene Harder, seminar translator Stefan Strässle, and seminar sponsor Rosli
Love Bullets
QUESTIONS FLEW BACK and forth as love bullets seeking a target. The session started at 9:30 am and we closed after 7 pm. Many of these same people came to a subsequent seminar in Zurich the next day. Dr Strässle proclaimed this one of the finest seminars he had ever attended.
Monday from 10 am to 7 pm, in a suburb of Zurich, Dr Strässle and Rev Irene Merkle hosted me as their guest speaker at a meeting of their UNI Study Group. As the baker’s dozen gave insightful attention, answers to these questions were forthcoming to: Our First
Thought--how can I practice so to live it, so to realize it? How do I purposefully manifest a thought into physical form; why am I doing it at all? How can I get to believing what I am affirming? Are making promises dangerous?
In discussing these topics it became apparent we do practice our first thought more than we know but do not realize it; we purposefully manifest every form we choose to experience in our world because it is fun and we thoroughly enjoy playing with it; we do believe what we affirm, our affirming it merely awakens in our mind that it is already existent there. Finally, making promises is dangerous for we make promises only to ourselves and when we do not keep them, we are the ones who feel bad inside and outside and lose confidence in ourselves.
That evening after a special seminar hosted by Drs Strässle and Merkle, the UNI celebrated its 27th birthday having incorporated October 15, 1975. The UNI was originally founded April 2, 1948. After lingering hugs and kisses we walked home through the gentle Swiss rain.
The next day after many telephone calls and answering email, we had lunch with the mother of our student the Rev Anita Lopp. Claire Lopp served a super casserole, but best of all was her warm acceptance of her daughter’s newly found philosophy which has so possessed her spirit mind and heart.
Traveling by Swiss train I was soon in Lugano being met by Dr Ellen Jermini who had visited her daughter, son and their children and spouses. She paid a special visit to her mother-in-law bringing her healing blessings.
A remembrance annual meeting was held with a few of the group who traveled with us to the Great Pyramid in Egypt in 1984 and never forgot the important spiritual lessons learned there including: Emilia Badi, Luciana Borla, Marco Borla, Abramo Borla, and many other friends of the UNI. Over abundant Italian dishes we discussed the philosophy of being ageless.
Immortal Relationships
THE WEEKEND ARRIVED quickly and we were in the Cura Centrum in Herisau for two fun-filled days in this very special healing center. All who reside on this holistic campus and drink of its curative waters flowing up from springs directly at its base, enjoy a wholeness never dreamed possible, according to our student Gerd Braun and his wife Anna, who operate the Cura Centrum.
Among the thrilling attendees were Absolute Monastery Monks, Rev John Charles Dainty and Rev Dr Anita Lopp, freshly from Italy where they are babysitting a hotel about to be sold. They were in charge of feeding the group of two dozen participants with six of the most sumptuous meals ever presented during a seminar. Others present were: Ellen Jermini, Gerd Braun, Anna Braun-Rhyner, Anita Lopp, John Charles Dainty, Monica Egli, Josef Loepke, Marlies Stalder, Stefan Strässle, Rosemarie Wyder, Gertrud Suter, Daniel Kreissel, Susanne Aerne, Veronika Käslin, Giada Ferrari, Gabrielle Gern, Rosli In-Albon, Irene Harder, Silvana Pommer, Iris Wicki, Daniela Ferrari, and Silvia Moström.
Topics discussed at the Cura Centrum were on the theme IMMORTAL RELATIONSHIPS. The first day included: Who am I? Why did I come to planet Earth? Who do I live my life for? How many people populate my world? The second segment: What kind of world do I create? Is my world complete in myself? How can I improve my life? Why do I have dreams of any kind? Is my world real or illusion, or both?
The second day saw a shift in consciousness of the group as they moved from the relative to Absolute in consciousness. I create relationships for my enjoyment. I create people in my world to delight me. I create circumstances in my life for joy. I create relationships out of the depth of my being. All relationships are my inner self revealed. What is immortality? Immortality is never beginning and never ending. Immortality is love in me being itself. Immortality is unconditional love. All is eternal, relationships, nonrelationships, all. The role of sex in a relationship.
Planned as a specifically relative seminar as requested by the sponsors Gerd and Anna, the second day took flight into the realm of Absolute where existence and reality are an isness with no space or time in the allness. For those interested, these seminar hours will be available on the University of Healing Home page: under Archives, under Euro-Africa Seminar 2002.
Next stop Lagos in Nigeria. We met with two of our Nigerian UNI students and representatives Prince Charles O. Okoro and Franklin Okwere, director of the Radiant Light Center, Aba, Abia State. We were hosted in Charles’ home and discussed banking arrangements so Nigerians could pay for their courses to a
"UNI account" in their country. The final banking arrangements were made through UNI student the Rev Sybil Emole Agogbua, PhB, MHS, Practitioner, in Owerri in Imo State, following her impressive ordination as hundreds of family and friends attended. The Agogbua family hosted us in their Villa of God Unlimited compound surrounded by a dozen homes of their relatives for ten days of our visit.
After the ordination Rev Sybil and I, with Dr Jermini, baptized three children: Justice Chidie- bere Oluchukwu Nwansi, Akujobi Darlington Nwab- ueze and Consuance Ob- wannare
Touring Nigeria
In Search of Sharing
REV SYBIL AND her professional husband Dr Sam toured us throughout Nigeria for eleven days taking us to the states of Cross Rivers, Enugu, Anambra, Ebonyi, Akwa Ibom, Abia, Rivers, Imo and Lagos through the cities of Aba, Port Harcourt, Owerri and Lagos. Also in the entourage were Grace Nwansi, Okey Obwannare Ukwu, Emmanuel Eme- vom, and many more.
Everyday we visited one to three schools with youngsters of all ages. We taught them to sing I like me and watched as smiles lit up their faces and expressed through their bodies as they happily jumped for joy. Then we taught children everywhere in Nigeria to sing a version of God Bless America with changed words as these: I bless Nigeria, land that I love, I stand beside her and guide her through the night with the light from within. From the mountains to the valleys to the ocean white with foam, I bless Nigeria, my home sweet home, I bless Nigeria, my home sweet home. Teachers, adults and children quickly embraced the concept to see their country lying on a bed of black gold eagerly spending their wealth on behalf of the people of the country and the legislators of the country installing sanitation systems, water, sewers, hospitals, schools and highways to benefit the people.
As Rev Sybil, Dr Sam, Bank Manager Grace and her 5-year-old showman son Chidiebere, Dr Jermini and I left each of the schools, the overwhelming love of the students and staff was powerful. The children held our hands not wanting to let us go. So I took each of their hands and hand-kissed each child and the teachers who each held out their hand too and their grasp on our leaving was even stronger.
Channel 6 Television interviewed us for 30 minutes with repeats of the transmission being shown six times throughout the nation. We told them we teach I am God, God I am, I like me, I am number one, I exist to be myself and have fun, I am unconditionally loving of all in my world. The interviewer felt this was excellent and repeated the phrase I am God, God I am several times loving the savor of it on her tongue. As the interview concluded the entire staff of the television station converged on us with questions and eagerness to shake our hand and get their hand-kiss and claim our business cards. This same attitude we met everywhere in Nigeria and Ghana.
At St Augustine Secondary School founded in 1963 and owned and operated by the Rev Augustine C Njoku, vice president of Unity of Nigeria, we were greeted by what seemed to be thousands of eager youngsters dressed in their various school colors for the grade level they were in. All of the students lined up before the six building structure to welcome us with songs, talk and marching. AC Iwe, principal of the school, offered us the key to the school. Rev Njoku thanked us for the supply of GISTs he gives out to his students, friends and at his Unity Church service in another series of buildings. Included in his group of schools is its Wee Wisdom Nursery School and All Saint’s Primary School.
Children Are The Powerhouse
AGAIN WE TAUGHT the children to sing I like me and I bless Nigeria which they did with great zeal. In my talk I explained that their minds are the powerhouse of Nigeria. With their words and thoughts they can establish a great Nigeria filled with blessings and as the garden nation, the paradise spot in the world, inviting to business and tourists worldwide. They loved this theme.
At Pine Woods hotel in Owerri, we dashed through the leaden sky crashing rain everywhere to the upper room where we met with 50 eager minds filled with questions about healing, wholeness, personal relationships and political governing of their nation. With dispatch I offered them the idea to like themselves and all the world will outpicture in their lives the fulfillment of every desire of their heart. The message was greeted with enthusiasm and agreement.
Chidiebere, the five-year-old
"minister" stood at the platform of the Ujuru Eze Town Hall inviting me to come up and speak, after he sang a few songs for us from the Joy Song book. A positive two-hour lecture stimulated some new attitudes about themselves and their country.
On to Umuahia for a two-hour lecture highlighting being ourselves and having fun. It was a good concept and the audience rallied to it quickly after a few people questioned the veracity of our doing this since it might be sinful. I quickly noted that whenever we are ourselves we do that which is for our highest and best and hurts none and takes from none. Then everyone approved.
Between all seminars and lectures long tours through the byways and jungles of Nigeria, on dirt roads, paved roads, passing village people who were on their way to market with their produce the women wearing brightly colored gowns and the men clothed in either a sarong, short pants, or fully garbed in suit and tie. I could only guess at where they were going and what they were going to do from their clothing and attitude. All expressed a joy and happiness as they walked barefoot or shod leaping off the
"highway" as a car approached, into the jungle encroaching upon the roadway. Here and there women and men were emerging from the savannas with loads of coconuts, bananas, papaya and other native fruits all carried graciously on top of their heads. Each carrying their head burden stood straight and tall, chin up, shoulders back, with great dignity and exceedingly fine charm.
For three hours we spoke at the Uyo Center in Akwa-Ibom State. Always our entourage making the hours long drive exciting with singing Joy Songs, pointing to points of interest along the way and some dozing. That evening found us in Port Harcourt for our evening adventure sharing the philosophy of I like me and I bless Nigeria. A momentum was building in the nation of Nigeria for greater selfrespect and selfworth. We were thrilled to work as the catalyst to institute this direction to their thinking.
Throughout Nigeria and Ghana the people are outstanding. They are some of the most friendly, generous, sharing and intelligent people one could imagine. No matter what book I referred to, one in the group had read it and knew it well. Even as I discussed the chaos theme, it was common knowledge. A wise and intellectual people.
A Spectacular Event
ARRIVING IN OMOKU Town in Rivers State at the Civic Center for our 10 to 5 seminar, we found as many children as adults at first, later more adults arrived to fill the auditorium. The television crew was there to film the entire seminar and conducted a special interview during the midday pause. Eager to hear this philosophy there were more than a dozen men and women who appeared and reappeared at most of our presentations. Many wanted to become students of the University of Healing but Dr Jermini insisted that they read the Syllabus first and sign the Vow of Selfdedication and the application before we could consider their being a student. Every Syllabus was given out and the applications poured in.
I did not observe many beggars but one came to me just as I was to be interviewed for television. He held out his hand in a pathetic way and said
"Money please." I looked at him and said, "Straighten out your clothing, comb your hair. Now you look like a very respectable wealthy person. I bless you and see you independently
wealthy." This was a greater blessing than any coin could do. The television interviewer, however, gave the man a few bills. When I asked the interviewer why he had done so, he replied,
"I will look good in the eyes of those around us." I told him,
"If you ever give, give because it makes you happy, not because of what others may think. Then you will be being yourself and having
fun." He reluctantly agreed.
Every morning at 5 am at Sybil’s Villa of God Unlimited the family and friends gathered in the upper room for a meditation I was privileged to lead. One day we included a three-hour-meditation so they could see how it was done and the feelings engendered during this intensive program.
After a meaningful out-of-body morning meditation, a super breakfast at the Villa of God Unlimited served by the master chef’s hand, Dr Sam Agogbua, we headed for Aba in Abia State for the Alpha Institute with Justin Okpe, director. Justin brought out all of his students and for over an hour we spoke to them about values of being a student. We also taught them the songs I like me and I bless Nigeria. Then on to the Radiant Light Center where UNI student Franklin Okwere is director. UNI student Abraham Nwaogwugwu and UNI student Templeman C A Ogbonna are active in the Radiant Light Center. Here we met Franklin’s aged venerable father of 97 and many of his parishioners and enjoyed an excellent meal of fish and chicken and rice, plus other goodies. At the Soul Christ Light Center where UNI student Justin Okpe is active, we met the founder Sir A B Daleth, who is also president of the Soul Foundation, founder of the School of Universal Law, and legate of Soul Temple Christ Light House. We spoke before each of these organizations.
We blessed the church site of the Villa of God Unlimited in Owerri, Imo State. The grounds are over an acre in size and situated in a verdant garden of tropical growth, accessible to the major roadway and bypass roads, said Rev Sybil Emok Agogbua, minister and chairman of the board of directors. Before being ordained she established her board including: Dr Sam I O Agogbua, president and secretary; Grace Uloego Nwansi, treasurer; and Okey Ukwu, vice president. I conducted a standard church service in her gracious home in the Spiritual Illumination Chapel.
Soon we were on the road again to F S P Park Mabari in Imo State to lecture on positive thinking. Ellen and I spoke from 3 to 5 pm and at 5:30 we were in the A I C E in Owerri, the State College of Education and Psychology. The meeting was sponsored by the Catholic Student Group on campus interested in all areas of education. We were supposed to conclude at 7 but the questions continued to pour in and they were answered to my total satisfaction.
Another highlight of our visit was the Recreation Club in
Nigerian Ordination
BRIGHT AND EARLY Thursday, October 31, 2002 the home and garden park front yard of the Villa of God Unlimited was prepared with tents, chairs, sound system, and flowers, for the festive ordination of the Rev Sybil Emok Agogbua by the Dean of God Unlimited/University of Healing, Dr Herbert L Beierle, and the Chairman of the Board and President, Dr Ellen Jermini. Music rang through the pavilion, voices of congratulation were recorded and Rev Sybil gave her ministerial acceptance address wearing a gown her husband had purchased for her 30 years ago as a surprise for the day she was to be ordained.
A meeting was held after the ordination in the Villa of God Unlimited of those who are vitally interested in establishing centers to teach the philosophy of God Unlimited. Men and women from all over Nigeria attended lending their enthusiasm, physical support, spiritual prayers and treatments, and interested in contributing money to buy literature from the International Headquar- ters of the Church of God Unlimited in Campo California USA. Rev Sybil told the group the parent organization in California does not provide literature gratis, nor does it pay for equipment necessary for local churches, centers and groups. Each center is expected to exercise the principle and demonstrate its independent wealth to achieve any goal it may have for its center. Headquarters will treat with each center on whatever it may desire for itself. As she completed this instruction the group nodded ascent and said naturally.
We drove to Port Harcourt to be at the Unity Center for our 6-8 pm seminar. We found a spacious church accommodating some 300 people had been tastefully created. As the crowd assembled I choose not to stand behind a rostrum and brought my entourage down from the platform where I could look them directly in the eye as I spoke. The room filled and was respectfully silent. I covered all aspects of the UNI teaching. Questions and answers reverberated strongly through the hall as confusion turned into understanding and misconception turned into wisdom. The 8 pm deadline drew on to become 10:45. We loved it.
Rev Sybil hosted us to dinner and an evening in a nearby hotel. We arrived at the hotel at 11 pm and had dinner there. At midnight we turned in to go to sleep.
At 2 am I heard a knock on my door. The question was asked that I discuss what it means to establish a church, this was a burning question for many. I said okay and for an hour discoursed on what it means to operate a church from the God Unlimited point of view. Three o’clock arrived and rather than saying
"good morning" for the night was gone, they asked for a Three-Hour-Meditation. That is my forte, so how could I refuse.
For one hour I proclaimed with each one I am God, God I am. For the next hour I revealed numberless ways why I can say that I am God. Then it was time for the hour of quiet introspection listening within and allowing God indwelling speak to us and confirm our reality. At 6 am I excused myself to take a shower and prepare for the wonderful busy day which lay ahead of us. Then off to the airport where we flew to Accra in Ghana for our meetings there.
Ghana proved to be a different environment physically than Nigeria. The warmth and intelligence of the people in both countries is spectacular, but I sensed in Nigeria an industrialism wanting to burst forth. Ghana, on the other hand, gave me the feeling of a giant park with people busily enjoy its fruits.
Two Hosts In Ghana
MEETING US AT the airport were our student Andrew B Aikins of Inchaban near Sekondi and Emmanuel Boye of Accra, another student Mr X and their driver. We dropped Emmanuel off at his home and drove to Inchaban where we were ensconced in a lovely hotel for our visit there.
Andrew being a retired school teacher had a special genius with children. In fact, he lived just a house down the street from the school where he taught. Since his retirement he has been acting as a jurist in the Ghana legal system. Our first overture to Ghana was to visit many of the area schools and share with the children and the teachers the philosophy of the University of Healing.
At 10 am we arrived at the neighborhood center. We covered these topics suggested by Andrew as interesting to his friends and neighbors. Do you really know the truth about God? Do you know who you really are? Are you aware of your spiritual and mental powers? Are you able to tap the rich potential of God power within you? Is reincarnation true and real? What is the Law of cause and effect? In a crowd pleasing series of discussions we were able to add light to these questions in a way everyone could readily perceive the truth.
We visited many schools and talked to many classes. Always the same hand kissing adventure for both students and teachers alike. Even the men teachers held out their hand for the thoughtful kiss. The kiss was an evidence of pure delight and respect for each child and adult.
A delight of our visit was the Sunday service where I continued with the theme of be yourself and have fun. The children loved it. Their parents listened carefully and probably caught the drift of being your very best under all
circumstances--this they could accept. There were close to 100 people under the outdoor tent which served as their church while the church itself called Church of God Indwelling Inchaban is being constructed. Andrew showed us the site next to his home.
Highlight of our visit was the ordination of Andrew B Aikins as a God Unlimited minister of his affiliated church, Church of God Indwelling Inchaban Ghana. Over 100 people crowded under the tent with no sides. The weather is always warm or hot and the tent fends off the sun. During an intensive joyful ordination where Andrew read his Vow of Selfdedica-tion and joined in the service as it appears in the Ministers Ma- nual. Mem- bers of the congregation read a statement of belief of the church and the minister. Properly robed by Dr Ellen Jermini and Andrew’s wife, he stood forth the Reverend Andrew B Aikins, minister of the Church of God Indwelling Inchaban. His brother and other family members joined him in this celebration respecting his choice. They know the man. They know he is a fine minister. For such he has always been.
One evening Rev Aikins held a song service for the children. At first, in the uncovered room, nine children were lustily singing. Soon little faces appeared at the open windows and the door. They came in one by one, sometimes holding the hand of their younger sister or brother. All knew how to jump up into the adult seats and how to fit as many on a seat as possible. Soon the tiny room, used as a classroom, was overflowing with 50 youngsters or more, all joyously singing the Joy Songs that made them feel so happy. It was easy to see how Rev Aikins has a natural penchant for working with children. However, the majority of those in his services were adults.
Events In Accra
REV AIKINS DROVE us to Accra to the home of UNI student Emm- anuel Boye. Emmanuel had planned many engagements for Ellen and I where we would speak before the business school, poly tech and the Center for Spiritual Awareness.
Emmanuel took us to the Institute of Management Studies directed by Sazror Opata. We were greeted by a room full of first year students. Enthusiastically with positive thinking and the Law of cause and effect we shared educational concepts with them that astounded them at first until they realized it was common sense in modern terms. They asked many questions and felt rewarded with the answers they received.
We met with the gentleman who hosted Ellen and Ingeborg on their trip in 1994. We went out to dinner with G L Kakla, known as the Captain, and discussed his business of castor oil and his growing interest in jojoba beans which is grown for its oil and has medicinal powers beneficial to man and animal.
At the Ghana Poly Technical College we met with the dean of students and presented a two hour seminar on what education
is--revealing what we already know, and learning ways to apply it in our everyday life in a positive manner. All the young college students sat eagerly glued to their chairs and sought literature and the Syllabus so they might go the direction of study they really desired in their hearts.
We met with the Rev Samuel Sason founder and director of the Center for Spiritual Awareness in Accra. We lectured in his center and the response was so immediate, though he had also heard from Dr Ellen Jermini and Dr Inga Puchert in 1994, that he scheduled us for two more lectures to his groups. Dr Jermini spoke on the power of our word and how it can be enhanced in song. She demonstrated this to the group singing I Like Me and I Bless Ghana.
We toured Accra with Emmanuel at the helm directing the cab drivers to our locations and making sure they charged a fair rate. We met Emmanuel’s em- ployer and heard the laurels spread over him for his excellence on the job and in relationship to his fellow employees. We also met Emmanuel’s extended family and found them charming and remarkable in their various talents.
Friday, November 8 we flew to Zurich. Saturday we visited our student Rev Monica Egli in Basel and shared a mini-seminar with UNI student Silvia Moström and her family and the Egli family. Sunday I conducted a seminar for our UNI students Barbara Bandi-Enz and Beatrice Enz and a host of family and friends. Monday we conducted a seminar for the Zurich Study Group winding up our six week seminar program in Europe and Africa. Tuesday evening we arrived home to campus.
-Dr Herbert L Beierle |