God's Pocket
I Live As Number One
The 30th Anniversary Celebration
Practitioner Letter
The Divine Knows What I Want
I live as number one. There is nothing else beside me. I am the creator of my world. I am number one. However, just saying this, while not truly living it and knowing it, is a different thing.
Recently at a meeting of the International New Thought Alliance I noticed a lovely young lady being a greeter and door tender for some of the functions of the annual congress. She was frustrated and unhappy over something. I questioned her saying: Hi love, you are a fabulous person, you are honored to tend the doorway to the congress and greet everyone who attends these functions.
She gave me a look that would have withered an entire garden of roses. I continued: I know why you were specially chosen to greet the congress participants - you have a smile that makes everyone feel important and welcome.
The wind had been taken from her sails. She gently and quietly responded: I would much rather be attending the congress than working as a volunteer. I can be here in the congress with no charge and this was why I took this opportunity. But I hear the joy and laughter, the enthusiasm of the participants in the congress hall and, if you must know, I feel jealous of them drinking in all of the wisdom and metaphysical truths being shared so brilliantly.
I smiled: You are in a choice position. Because of your happy face and inner joy you make each person entering the congress chambers feel delighted and welcome in a way no one else is able to do. You are here as a healing agency to everyone in the congress, including you. You are here to share a gift that no one else is prepared to do in the magical mystical marvelous manner your personality exudes.
You are here as the frosting on the serving everyone is receiving. Without your glorious attitude, your sparkling smile and your gentle caring the congress would be only half effective. You are indeed a much chosen woman; you are number one in the volunteer work you are doing. As I entered the congress doors, my volunteer friend beamed a light so bright it lit up the entire inner chamber - if only for a moment - but what a moment!
—Dr Herbert L Beierle