1948 - 2024


Winter 2007

GIST Magazine
Partial view on the campus from "the cave"

In This Issue:

God's Pocket
It All Comes Back To Mental Attitude

Being A Monk

EJ Shares
Crazy Grandmas

Practitioner Letter


Serendipity - Winter 2007 Issue

Being A Monk

PEOPLE COME TO the Absolute Monastery here in Campo California looking to find a secret portal into their spiritual self, a surreptitious pathway revealing whatever it is they feel it means to be spiritual.

Though we have 104 acres in the mountain fastness of Southern California dedicated to meditation and introspection - it is not a secret path - it is a very open time to reveal the divine within, the spiritual self each of us is within now.

To the end of offering illumination on this devoutly desired pathway here are some ideas which might be helpful. This little-known technique or approach is a piece of information that is the key to success in the particular endeavor of revealing divinity. Everyone who comes to campus to attend a retreat, participate in a seminar of days, weeks or months as done in the occasional School of the Master three-month event, each first comes to terms with expressions and themes consistent with the Absolute Monastery and its parent schools the University of Healing and University of Philosophy.

As a monk for the past 33 years I have used the concept of being a monk to explain and reveal a method or technique of entering into the awareness of the divine within. As you read these ideas you have joined the program being inaugurated on campus of living the life of a monk, expressing what I believe a monk is and means, and remaining in such a high level of purity, all who entertain the program revel in its purity and goodness beyond anything they have ever experienced in their entire lifetime.

Now here are some of the things that go into being a monk on a fulltime basis with grand results.

Some things a monk is:

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I can be a monk wherever I may be, doing whatever I may be doing, living with whom I may be living - a monk is a concept, a monk is a symbol of the absolute qualities which I am as a being expressing here on this planet.

The broadest possibilities I face are being myself and having fun. This would certainly appear to be a very easy experience for me. However, to be myself means I am my unique self. I am not a teacher wherein I feel someone has something to learn or experience. I am not the guru who has spiritual insights to offer to those I create in my world. I am not the father-mother-relative to another being, child or adult - for I am number one and I create only other number one beings in my world.

This task of being myself and having fun allows for my being cognizant that life is a joy and all is complete.

This is the truth.

Do I have the integrity, the humility and the awareness to enjoy it?

Smile, of course I do!

 —Dr Herbert L Beierle