1948 - 2024


Autumn 2012

GIST Magazine
Far Valley Ranch

In This Issue:

God's Pocket
I Love Meditation On The Quiet Side

Staying On Top of My Attitudes At All Times

EJ Shares
Getting Accustomed To A New Life Style

All Is In Divine Order
Working In An Apple Orchard Is Magical

Practitioner Letter
Truly It Is A Snap - My International Driver's License Test


God's Pocket - Autumn 2012 Issue

I Love Meditation On The Quiet Side

Dr Herbert L BeirleLife is a lot of racket. I have my most effective meditation when I am peaceful.

I like to sit quietly and listen to the magic of life gently flowing inside of me. I can do this easily but it takes doing it by choice and not just letting it happen as it has a tendency to do in life - our busy hubbub of activity that challenges our attention 24/7.

Getting into a quiet state calls for me to take the time to be still and know my inner self.

The more I make it a habit to become still and listen to the flow of happiness within me the more it takes place of its own accord without my getting up front and saying to myself, "Cool It!" I am the director of my quiet meditations if this is what I want to do. I also can be so busy directing my meditation practice I have little time for the successful gentleness of meditation itself.

With practice I find that I enter into my quiet-side-meditation without any further thought. I live in the consciousness of inner peace. In so doing I am able to "think peace" and I am peace. I joyfully am able to live in the awareness of listening in me and I enter a state of bliss meditation as commonly as I previously had into the racket side of wishfully knowing my inner self.

 —Dr Herbert L Beierle