1948 - 2025


Autumn 2011

GIST Magazine
Santa Catalina Island shouts across the sea to Ellen Jermini, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! On the voyage shown here are Ellen Jermini and Sylvia M Enz.

In This Issue:

God's Pocket
On Looking Young, Vital and Alive

Small Talk and Now Talk

EJ Shares
I Am A Fun Creator

Practitioner Letter


EJ Shares - Autumn 2011 Issue

I Am A Fun Creator

EllenWhat is there more exciting to KNOW then that I AM creator of my wonderful life. With this awareness comes the responsibility and duty to KNOW my desires, my goals, my dreams.

A great example of how perfectly this works happened on my last birthday.

A birthday to me is such an exciting event that I live it vicariously days before—living it as a NOW experience through my thrilling thought feelings.

This year my dream comes true as visiting the idyllic Catalina Island, situated 22 miles South-West of Los Angeles.

During our two-hour car drive to the departure harbor of Dana Point, Herb flies through the morning "rush-hour" with his natural magical chauffeur skill. I affirm my "free way" and all is in divine order, essentially when an illusionary "traffic-jam" appears. Instantly the illusion dissolves like melting snow and our way is free and open.

It is my birthday and I am as excited as an innocent child being gifted with a free boat ride, a round trip from Dana Point to Avalon, Catalina’s main port. Every birthday celebrant who takes the Catalina Express on this my day is festooned with a colorful HAPPY BIRTHDAY tag, a symbol which announces lots of fun ahead.

Joyful tributes of HAPPY BIRTHDAY shower me from wherever I walk, sit or move. It is an endless giggling sharing with my whole happy world.

The boat is packed with eagerly departing people; yet I KNOW that my ideal seat is awaiting me. Walking to the upper deck my eyes spot a fun corner place with an open air view over the vast sea of the Pacific Ocean. Here I feel alone on my inside island to sing, to avow, to meditate, yes to fly with the speed of the running boat. Every wave that splashes against the boat is a HURRY-UP experience while I am hugged by the wind and kissed by gentle sunrays. Some dolphins and whales show off their acrobatic play appearing and disappearing under the foamy waves. The atmosphere is now pure. Where before happy people were giggling around me there is now silence, oneness. It is a breathtaking special moment I enjoy.

In one and a half hours we arrive in Avalon, a truly fascinating attraction for all visitors. Groups of people stand at the landing stage, hugging, kissing, giggingly greeting each other. Innocently aware, we are in the midst of a charming circle as their long-known friends exclaiming: "Happy Birthday". One of the ladies is eighty demonstrating at least twenty years less, tells us that she owns and lives on her own boat here in the Avalon Bay. She is a refreshing icon of a thrilled life, with a charisma of vitality, charm, exuberance, a hospitable salute to Catalina Island and all of us arriving.

Intuition guides us along the ocean walk to the recommended Armstrong’s Fish Market Seafood Restaurant where deep fried calamari rings, fresh Swordfish and giant shrimps delight our palate. We leisurely enjoy the front row view over beautiful Avalon Bay in the splendor of this unique happy day surrounded by friendly neighboring tables.

To get a perfect introduction to the town of Avalon we are taking the scenic tour in an open bus up hillsides, along beachfronts and through the heart of this tiny friendly historic town. From the comfort of my bus seat I enjoy having a small taste of the ziplines, a most incredible experience for any who dare to run down a cable of 500 feet to 60 feet above sea level in a speed of 45 miles an hour. It is a breathtaking idea just watching.

With every stroll along the ocean I take in a breath of heavenly sea air, rewarding my fabulous selection to come to this romantic Island.

Too soon it is time to return to Dana Point where we enjoy dinner in the Jolly Roger Restaurant as our final waterfront view on the Pacific Ocean.

With uninhibited delight I am still wearing my Birthday tag thus adding another dimension of amusement. Clapping hands and singing voices come out of the kitchen bringing a yummy birthday cake to ME! Everybody around us tunes in singing HAPPY BIRTHDAY and the party is in a joyful spirit.

To the laughter of all a young couple about my age come to our table to give their presentation in a short song: This is our birthday song, it is not very long, instantly disappearing leaving applause and lots of laughter to all of us.

And so the sun sets over the mighty grand Pacific, holding with it our hearts as it dips into the ocean. With each whoosh of rising steam I hear a final: Happy Birthday Ellen come back soon again.

—Dr Ellen Jermini