God's Pocket
I Create My Own Mental Season
Christmas and Winter Together
Practitioner Letter
How To Live Longer
Shiaka A Ilavbarhe
I Live In My Garden
Emmanuel C A Unakalam
My Innerself Is Me
The following is the Thesis of Rev Emmanuel C A Unakalalm of Nigeria, Africa, submitted to the Board of Regents of the University of Healing. This thesis culminates his graduate work, leading to the recognition of Master of Metaphysics.
My innerself is whole and perfect, self-existent, unrestricted and new. In this thesis I discuss my innerman as absolute man. The innerman or self exists as god. It is pleasant and real. I think of it as positive and practicable in absolute, yet impracticable in the relative. I imitate it as a replica of what I know of it in absolute or as a captive event here in the relative. It is a wonderful beautiful encounter. People say it is fantasy. I put it to them that it is not. It is my aspiration from my innersunshine urging me to be it and it is the ideal me.
My innerself guides me to reflect upon the meaning of my life. I see clearly with the vision of my most perfect self on how I pursue my vision. I tirelessly look toward its realization. In this way I maintain my focus and give my life meaning—now is my day of reflection on my person. I make me as a wonderful piece of art. This day I meditate and contemplate to move forward and give my life meaning as my most divine self. I set before me the image of vision of what I am.
The innerman is my gift from self to self.
It is a powerful tool for me to work and thereby bettering my lot in life in a positive way.
For example as my daily meditation hour is 3 am sharp, my innerself informs me by tapping me awake with the presentation of my toothbrush. I look at the time it is 3 am sharp.
My innerself is fantastic. It is crucial for me to keep aware of it. I eagerly experience it. It is my glimmer of hope. I nurture and respect it. Now I have the courage to say I am the light and the activator. I am god after all. My innerself allows me to guide myself to new discovery. It helps me to discover what has been lying asleep in me. As a fact my innerself helps me make the fine choices that are best for me. With my innerself darkness is lifted out of my life and my pure white light of love emerges. The joy and love of daylight is present in me. God within is my strength and joy that always shines forth under all circumstances. It is delightful to notice the assistance I give myself through outpicturing my innerself. I have freedom in these through maintaining my original purity and integrity. I take my destiny in my own hands creating all positive from my divine self.
As a divine being my needs are met.
As I think each uplifting positive thought I live it in love, harmony, peace and justice in all I know that is for my highest and best. I think the fulfilling thoughts and get good results. In this same way all beings on Earth create their joyous lives. I live the principle and practice the principle as the result of my conscious choice. Being whole and perfect is the key to all my good and it is mine.
Before I started the foundation of my house, I had planned to face my house toward the middle of the compound, it was my innerself that directed me not to put it at the center but that I should move back so as to have in my large compound space that is decorated with lovely green grass and many plants. I adhered to it and never regretted moving back.
As a divine being I have complete trust in my innerself. As I visualize only good in the now, I fearlessly go my way in freedom and peace reigning inside me. My life is fascinating in all the many ways that are revealed as new ideas to me. My innerself makes me a better person, available to innovate beneficial ideas and methods. As I cling to my meditation I experience positive happenings.
I like me, I like me, I like me.
I love my creation and I support it in my pure white light of love. All my ways are clear as I tow-the-line of my original purity and integrity by positively defining my boundaries. I accept right thinking and balanced emotions. As I take care of being myself and having fun, I am nonjudgmental, unconditionally loving and my future is bright as I as god express it enthusiastically.
I listen as my innerself points out various businesses in which I can engage. One vision baffled me, which was not me. I visualized myself as a Pentecostal minister dressed in black suit preaching on the topic TRANSFORMATION. I rejected it because that preaching is not me.
My innerself is reflected about me. Everyone is my reflection.
Now my innerself leads me to reflect upon the meaning of my life. I see clearly with the vision of my most perfect self on what I pursue with my vision. I tirelessly look toward its realization. In this way I maintain my focus and give my life meaning. Now is my day of reflection on my person. I am my own creator and create me as a glorious piece of art. I meditate and contemplate to move forward and give my life meaning as my most divine self. I set before me the vision of what I am.
I love my four boys: Kikpo, Iheanyi, Obioma and Chnonso.
There was a building site my junior brother Ambrose purchased. He cleared the site with a Caterpillar tractor. My children and some of their friends improved the vacant land to use it as a football field. When my brother saw how neat the place was he gave me money, N 5,000, to clear more of his property as they did the playground. I mapped out a portion for them to do and told them that I will pay them N 5,000, which my brother gave to me for that purpose. Naturally the children all agreed they would do the job.
My innerself is more creative than I can imagine. It is a unique gift which is mine alone expressed as my talent and my creativity.
I take great pleasure in nurturing it with satisfaction and thereby realize my potential for growth. I am unlimited in every way in living my creative life.
I am god. I am divine. I am unlimited. I have much to offer and much to give. By so doing I realize joy in my expanding self-fulfillment. As I find satisfaction with my innerself I see my talents and gifts as blessings for my creation. I value my friends and colleagues. In living my principle and creative life I find pleasure in my divine self.
I believe in my expectations that everything is a blessed reflection of my good.
My house has reached roofing level. The thought of roofing it occupied my mind. One day my brother Ambrose came home and asked me when am I going to roof my house.
I answered him, Any moment! However, after going round the house, he concluded that the house should be roofed now. He is roofing it for me now. I thanked him. I saw it done.
My innerself encourages me to be myself and have fun being myself. I handle things effortlessly. I take solace in being all that god within reveals me to be. For example, in my family, I always handle domestic problems that arise. I know problems are solved by my word. I let each go. I put a cause in motion and know it is done. All is in divine order.
I see all done in divine order. It is so amazing. As I face each new day with my positive attitude using a constructive thought all is done without limit. I welcome it with joy and great expectancy in the attitude that all is complete. All is in divine order. I let the divine take place. It is done. As I trust my intuition and my inner voice by paying attention to my innerself it functions. I take time to review it, evaluate it and act accordingly. It is a gift that bestows knowledge on me at all times.
It is a positive gift that demands awareness. I make it available to all in my world. My innerself illumines me fully. I am onepointed. I am focused. I welcome my innerself and appreciate the creative ideas that it brings. I believe the fact:
As I give myself to my divine self my divine self gives its all to me.
I buried my electrical house power lines. Unfortunately rain was threatening so I said to my godself I see a wonderful bright blue sky. It is done. Immediately the rain stopped. It is wonderful to follow the principle as I use it.
I view awareness of my innerself as the attitude that positions me for a richer life. I cherish what I learn. I value what I learn as my teacher reveals to me I am eternal, which speaks and teaches me to be happy and to be filled with smiles. I carry the whole story in the delight of my innerself. I pursue my world with its tastes and smells that are the marvels of my creation. All time is now. All is in divine order now. And so it is.
I am vital dynamic alive pure energy. My senses are sharp. My universe is fresh and I feel rejuvenated. I claim my divine self. With truth and my original purity, my vision and horizon are wide. The more aware I am, the freer I am and the richer is my response to life. I now delight in my new self and I let go and let god work through me in me as me. I create new habits to enter a new life with all its diversity. I feel and view my spiritual path with joy. I am purposeful in my spiritual nature and my material nature. I now concentrate on my spiritual life. I allow tranquility to reign by immersing myself in joy and my love consciousness without paying much attention to it.
I am unpossessed and untouched in my daily routine, as I am in charge of my life and affairs. I am pure consciousness, immortal, and eternal, indestructible. I acknowledge it as an aspect of my personality. I check to feel it. I let it happen. My aim is to live. My aim is to be. My thought forms are sound. I awaken to my world of choice. I forgot yesterday and think only of now. Each day provides me an opportunity to live my world with my new way of thinking. I feel positive with my choice. I have perception and can change my mind at any given moment. I live in tranquility. With my gentle breathing and exhalation I claim decision. I take on a new life of vital energy. I express myself fully as I am vital, dynamic, alive, pure energy, independently wealthy and bubbling over with enthusiasm. I look at myself and examine those things that improve my being. It is a healing process that helps me establish the real part of my life. I live the best, which is all that matters to me. As god I think only the divine is good for me. As I am whole and perfect, so is all my creation. So with love and perfection, I create order in myself. As I am free and alive I follow my spiritual path for my highest and best. I perserver in wholeness and perfection because I know that peace is found in a healthy behavior. I search for meaning and find it.
I look within for fulfillment. I am all. I am god. I am whole and perfect. I see myself as god in me sees me. My consciousness is awake and encouraging. I now live a full and meaningful life. I am now free and happy. God Unlimited is a level playing ground for all churches.
As my body is the temple of the living god, god is present everywhere, in all that I am and in all that I do. God is unique. I am unique. I dance to my tune. I dance my dance of life. Since I am consistent, I am delighted experiencing health, peace and happiness. I choose the pathways of unconditional love, good health and peace. Harmonious living is my choice. I now am myself and have fun in every way. I go about my business knowing full well that I am all. In whatever I do I recognize the presence of god within. I am one as god in me as my guide. God within is with me at all times and in all places. I remain as one as it because I acknowledge I am god, god I am. I am all, I have all and I enjoy everything I choose to enjoy.
I call upon my original source for assistance.
I now go within and support myself with the love of my god presence. With this I am the best that I can be in the now. I am perfect in doing things right. As a divine being I see the truth in all. I acknowledge myself as god in doing my best. Daily living is an example where I constantly reveal my best. My business is to reveal my genius and be my divine self. As I experience success the innerman instills in me respect and honor to my godself.
I do things fully for my own good. I face my way withconfidence and conviction. I greet my day quietly,calmly and in serenity. I am self-assured, self-aware and self-confident. I live in peace of mind and comfort. In quietness is my way of being god. As I am coming to the end of my CONCLUSION: I trust in that I am and in the test that the pudding is in the eating. I believe in an unlimited god. It is a fact! I allow the positive side of my life to express itself in me and me alone because l like me. No one can acknowledge me except me. My progress comes through discovering the real me in me.
My innerself has me reflect upon the meaning of my life. I see clearly with the vision of my most perfect self on what I pursue my vision be to. I tirelessly look toward its realization. In this way I maintain my focus and give my life meaning. Now is my day of reflection on my person. I am a wonderful piece of art. This day I meditate and contemplate to move forward and give my life meaning as my most divine self. I set before me the image of the vision of what I am.
The beauty is within me, waiting to be called forth for my success. Only my positive thought can ignite my beautiful light that shines from deep inside me. I now move forward in the light with the understanding that light promotes success, growth and life. I choose light and expect the very best from my expressing. I am one as god as it directs me toward the light. As I awake in the morning, I greet the day feeling relaxed, expecting only the good to come in a positive light. It takes only my attitude as I see everything good and great. I experience my day consciously as time is precious.
I am positively awake to every thinkable possibility. In this manner I find the answer right before my very eyes. I am eager to face each day. These days I am no longer distracted into believing that the innerself is a mere fantasy. It is real. I hold onto my innerself. I love my innerself. I love the truth about my innerself. I think my truth, because I am inspired by it. I learn a new process of doing things. Sometimes learning a new skill can be so traumatic that it can make change look fearful. As I learn a skill I get it right, I learn it and make myself competent. Learning a new skill is very interesting, so I keep my focus on learning more and of how it works and this makes me perfect.
Blessings abound that I enjoy now. I thank the University of Healing as I thank myself in knowing that new knowledge is added to my understanding and growth in the scheme of things. I now anticipate only good for my future now as I live in the now, my attention is now focused around my universe and my creation. I see only good. I give thanks to it. I spend my day in a few quiet moments and listen to my inner voice. I know what to do and I do it well.
I pause, I reflect and I give thanks to my godself and God Unlimited / University of Healing. Through them I expanded my view about life and living. I see through the universe and back to myself. I am now able to create my own freedom. My senses, my spirit and my emotions are now my valuable friends. I salute the president of Church of God Unlimited, vice presidents, dean and directors of University of Healing, the monks in the Absolute Monastery and all the authorities at the Church of God Unlimited and the Worldwide Healing Ministry for helping me build a richer life. Shalom!
Now there is peace on Earth and it began with me.